My HF Journey - So far
My HF Journey - So far
Taking a quick look back at my journey into the HF bands and my log book QSL reports.
After Action: First POTA Activation
After Action: First POTA Activation
Now finally with a full portable operational radio setup I got the opportunity to head out to one of the local registered POTA parks to do my first activation.
After Action: ARRL Field Day 2023
After Action: ARRL Field Day 2023
We had our first field test of our new logging solution while having a great time during the ARRL Field Day June 24th and 25th.
ARRL Field Day 2023
ARRL Field Day 2023
As we enter the month of June, preparations are underway for ARRL Field Day later this month June 24th and 25th.
After Action: Before the Storm
After Action: Before the Storm
Spent the day with others from Osceola County ARES manning the booth at the Kissimmee Civic Center on May 20th, 2023.
Great information comes from being involved with fellow hams through the local amateur radio clubs.
Parks On The Air
Parks On The Air
Like for many ham operators, POTA is a great way to practice our skills as radio operators. For me this is no exception.
My primary interest in acquiring my ham license was for emergency communications, so getting involved with ARES and becoming a NWS SKYWARN®️ Spotter seemed logical.
2023 Before the Storm
2023 Before the Storm
Osceola County is a Storm Ready County and will be having their 2023 Before the Storm hurricane preparation event this month.